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Xyea is a privately held company based in Galway, Ireland. Xyea was founded in 2005 by our chief executive, Pat Reidy, to implement a software solution based on the closed-loop compliance methodology he and his team developed through many years of consulting with clients and helping them to meet their compliance obligations.

We have many years of experience in software development for risk management and compliance. We have built up a strong client base in Ireland and the UK. Through our consulting activities with clients, we have developed significant domain knowledge of compliance and risk management in the healthcare and local government sectors.

The Xyea integrated system is an evolution of our previous product range, adapting and expanding the features of our individual products ChartTrack, iCERV, and AuditCapture, and integrating them into a single browser-based solution.


For any question or clarification about any aspect of Xyea, please get in touch.  
Xyea CEO, Pat Reidy will respond.
Tel: 091 846 636 or
  Audit - Surveying - Self-assessment - Privacy - Security - Data Protection - Personal Data Privacy - Records Management - Data Risk Management - Health Information Protection - Risk-based controls for records management and information governance - Incident Recording Investigation and Management - Corrective Action tracking - Patient Safety Reporting and management  
Galway: Unit 2 - Clashganniv House, Killogilleen, Craughwell, Co Galway, Ireland. Tel: +353 (0) 91 846636
Dublin: Denshaw House, 121 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2. Tel: +353 (0) 1 442 9901